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Shaving With Coconut Oil

Now, you’ve probably used shaving creams and gels before but there’s a new method that’s becoming increasingly popular.

Coconut oil is a highly moisturizing oil that soothes skin and provides a slippery surface for shaving. It can be used to hydrate the skin without having to use any other additives such as alcohol and better yet, it’s antimicrobial which means it kills bacteria on your face.

But why switch to coconut oil and how do you even go about using it?

Well, you’ll find out in this article when we discuss the benefits of using coconut oil as opposed to shaving cream and give you a helpful guide on how best to implement it into your shaving routine.


Benefits Of Shaving With Coconut Oil

There are a lot of benefits to using coconut oil. Let’s take a look at some.

  1. Works as an antibacterial protectant
  2. Acts as an antioxidant
  3. Doesn’t irritate the skin
  4. It helps rebuild the skin barrier
  5. It contains a number of free fatty acids that make it highly moisturizing
  6. Perfectly safe for your body
  7. Environmentally friendly
  8. Generally affordable
  9. Smells and feels amazing
  10. No added extracts or toxic ingredients (Vegan friendly)


How To Use Coconut Oil

  1. Razor – Before you even think about getting a lather of coconut oil you’ll want to make sure you have a fresh, sharp razor with a sharp blade. Using a dull razor will just ruin your shave by making it more difficult, less effective, and painful as blunt razors are more likely to cause nicks and cuts especially if you have sensitive skin.
  2. Exfoliate – Wet your skin with warm water and gently rub it with a brush, scrubber, or exfoliating product, for example, an exfoliating cleanser. This will soften the skin and help the razor glide over your skin easier.
  3. Coconut Oil – Dip your clean fingers into a jar of coconut oil and then rub your fingers together. The heat and friction of your fingers will soften the oil, making it easy to spread on the area you’re planning to shave. As a side note- don’t start shaving right away, instead, let the oil sit for a minute or two.
  4. Shaving Cream (Optional) – While just using pure coconut oil on your skin is enough moisturizer for the shave, you can also apply shaving cream for an even smoother, sensitive shave. Spread or brush a thick layer of the cream evenly over your skin.
  5. Gentle Strokes – Rinse your razor with clean water every few strokes to clear any debris such as hair or coconut oil. Fill a cup with water and then dip and shake the razor a little to loosen the hairs or alternatively, you can gently rub downwards, in the direction the blade faces, with a tissue or towel to unclog the hairs.
  6. Rinse off – Avoid rubbing the skin vigorously as it will irritate the skin and make it appear red. Once you’ve rinsed the skin with water, take a soft cloth and gently pat the skin dry.
  7. Moisturize – Moisturizing after is just as important as beforehand as shaving will dry out your skin. To hydrate your skin and protect it, spread a little more pure coconut oil in a thin layer over your skin.


Where To Use Coconut Oil

From your face to your pubic area to your legs, you can pretty much use coconut oil in all areas as a shaving cream. If you have sensitive skin and are worried about skin irritation then don’t fret because coconut oil will soothe and moisturize your skin without causing so much as a red mark.

If you have oily skin, you may find that coconut oil is blemish-inducing, however, This isn’t always the case as coconut oil also has some anti-inflammatory properties against acne so some may find that it doesn’t affect their skin.


Coconut Oil Recipe (Shea Butter)

  1. Firstly, mix 3 tbsp of coconut oil and 4 tbsp of shea butter in a glass bowl.
  2. Next, warm a pot of water on low heat and place the bowl over the hot water. The water will create a steam that warms the ingredients, helping to meet them.
  3. Afterward, carefully remove the glass bowl once the mixture is completely melted, remember it will be hot so use some kind of heat protection.
  4. Add in a few drops of almond oil and place them in your refrigerator to allow the mixture to harden.
  5. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and use a mixer to whip the contents until it has a frosting-like texture.
  6. Finally, store the shaving cream in an airtight glass container.


Shaving Tips

  1. Pull the skin taut to smooth out the skin making it easier to shave.
  2. Glide the razor lightly over the skin, making sure to go with the grain. You can shave against the grain but you’re more likely to cut yourself or get razor burn.
  3. Don’t shave the same area of skin more than once, as it can lead to cuts and razor burn. If you’re having to shave multiple times, then it’s time to replace your razor blade.
  4. Watch out when shaving ankles, the backs of knees, and your shins. Thin-skinned areas are extra prone to cuts and bumps so take it slow and don’t apply too much pressure.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is coconut oil bad for shaving?

Simply slather coconut oil over your legs in the shower and shave per usual. The coconut oil acts as a protective lather between the blade and the skin, preventing irritation and razor burn. It not only acts as a shaving cream but an intense moisturizer as well.

Does coconut oil help with razor bumps?

Coconut oil is used in cooking, but it’s also great for your skin. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties so you can apply a thin layer of organic, expeller-pressed coconut oil to the inflamed area and it should reduce the inflammation.

Does coconut oil soften pubic hair?

As a side note, conditioning pubic hair is also helpful in stopping the formation of ingrown hair. Coconut oil also works well to soften pubic hair, but it can cause clogged pores in your sensitive nether regions.

What can I use if I don’t have shaving cream?

Coconut oil is a great alternative to shaving cream. It will remove dead skin and is much more skin-friendly than other beauty products as it’s all-natural.

Can I use Vaseline as shaving cream?

Shaving can leave behind painful razor burns and pesky ingrown hairs. For an easy fix, apply Vaseline to the legs post-shower, specifically while the skin is still slightly damp.

Do you need shaving cream to shave legs?

Shaving your legs while your skin is wet is the way to go. But before you get to work, follow this step: After getting your skin wet in the shower apply shaving cream or gel. This can help to prevent you from cutting your skin while you’re shaving your legs.

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