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Men’s Hair Care Routine

It’s no secret that in today’s world men tend to love their hair as much as they love their cars, pets, and families so when there are worries like balding awaiting you later on in life it’s worth thinking about starting a proper hair care routine to avoid damaging your hair as much as possible.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking.

Where do I even begin with keeping my hair healthy?

Well, we have all the answers for you. Read on and you’ll see tips and tricks as well as a ton of information that’s vital to know if you want to keep your hair looking its best well into your 60,s 70s, and beyond.

So let’s begin.


Styling Products

There’s nothing wrong with using hair gels, waxes, and even hairspray for getting the style and look that you want in fact it’s going to be essential when styling men’s hair. But, using too much product can make your hair look unnatural, wet, and heavy.

  1. Putties – Putties are high-hold and low shine.
  2. Hair Wax – Wax will offer one of the strongest holds out there but is tougher to get out of your hair because it’s oil-based.
  3. Muds and Clays – Because muds and clays are dryer than other products for men’s hair, they tend to have lower shine. Muds and clays range from low to high hold.
  4. Pomade – Pomade is great for achieving retro looks and also has a high shine. Pomades tend to have a lesser hold than other products, however.
  5. Paste – Paste is a good option for you if you have medium to long hair. They usually have medium shine and hold.
  6. Sea Salt Spray – Sea Salt Spray is a great option for achieving textured, matte hair that is touchable and moves naturally.
  7. Gel – Gives you the wet look that stays in place. It’s a high-shine, high-hold product but these have become somewhat obsolete in recent years due to better options.


Starting a Haircare Routine

  1. Shampoo and conditioner – You’ll need a good shampoo and conditioner. Keep on the lookout for products that work well with your hair type. For dry hair that’s prone to getting frizzy, look for moisturizing or hydrating products that contain oils, butter, and other nourishing ingredients. Whereas for oily or fine hair, look for clarifying products that contain ingredients like tea tree oil and chamomile. Alternatively, if you find that your hair breaks and frays easily you should opt for restorative products that contain proteins like collagen and keratin.
  2. Wash 2-3x weekly – Washing your hair too often strips your hair of protective oils naturally produced by your scalp, leaving it more prone to getting frizzy and frayed. For most men, two to three shampoos a week works best.
  3. Use warm or cool water instead of hot – Hot showers are great, but the heat of the water dries out hair. It’s better to use warm or cool water to wash your hair. If you have to have a steaming hot shower, try finishing with a warm or cool rinse so your hair will look healthy and shiny rather than frizzy and dull when it dries.
  4. Don’t dry too roughly – Hair is weak when it’s wet since water causes the keratin molecules in the hair to stretch. That’s why doing a rough towel-dry treatment can break your hair. Instead, use a towel to dab your hair dry and get rid of the excess water, then let it finish air-drying or alternatively, use a blow-drier.


Maintaining Your Scalp

The scalp is responsible for the hair follicles, which are the foundation from which a great, healthy head of hair is built. Keeping these follicles as healthy as possible will ensure lasting, strong hair.

It’s not just your hair

Your hair will be affected by the rest of your body and not just how you treat your locks. Eating well, exercising, and staying completely hydrated all help keep the follicles and strands strong. Always get just enough sleep and try to do activities to help reduce excess stress in your life. Living well and staying healthy will result in a healthier scalp, increase hair growth, and prevent hair loss and greasy hair.

Use the right tools

While it may seem like an easy way to get the style you want you should avoid using a brush or comb on wet hair. When the hair is wet, it is at its most vulnerable point and highly susceptible to breaking and damage. When combing through wet hair, use a wide-toothed comb and gently work out any tangles.

Cool Off

We know that sometimes nothing feels better than a steaming hot shower, but did you know that this is causing havoc on your hair and scalp. Very hot water strips too much of the essential oil from the hair and scalp, which leads to dryness and itchiness.

Avoid Chemical Treatments

Coloring or perming hair repeatedly can leave it damaged, dry, and dull. We recommend avoiding all at-home chemical products. If you really want these changes to your hair then seek the help of a professional stylist. A stylist will know how to properly prepare your hair before and can also help you choose the best products for your hair type.


If you have never tried one, go out and get a scalp massage as they help promote blood flow to the scalp and relax tense scalp muscles. Plus, it’s relaxing and feels fantastic!


Scalp Types

Normal Scalp

If you have this scalp type then you’re lucky. Your hair has the right amount of oil so buying products won’t be too difficult. Shampoo and conditioner that moisturizes as well as cleans is all you need.

Oily Scalp

As the name suggests, if you find that you often have oily hair or greasy then you have an oily scalp which is due to your skin and scalp producing an excess in natural oils. Some things to keep in mind when you’re considering your purchase include avoiding shampoos that are labeled as moisturizing or hydrating, instead opting for those that are called “strengthening,” “balancing,” or “daily clarifying.”. Once you’ve found one that works you’ll need to apply it deeply into the scalp to break up the oils.

Dry Scalp

A dry scalp is a type that often feels dry and itchy and plagued by dandruff. If your scalp is extremely dry, then it’s a good idea to look for ingredients, such as tea tree oil, that have extensive moisturizing properties. Alternatively, if you have a dry scalp avoid shampoos called ‘strengthening’, ‘fortifying’, or ‘volumizing’ on their label.

Taking Care Of Black Hair

There are many different types of Black hair. This includes straight, wavy, coiled, or kinky. When it comes to black hair, the key is moisture so getting a good conditioner is vital to keeping strands cared for while limiting shampoo to once or twice a week. This is especially true if your hair is super fine with a tighter curl pattern.

If you have long hair, though, it’s important to invest in products that are specifically made for Black textured hair. Popular ingredients you should use include shea butter or avocado oil. These moisturizing components add shine and make your hair feel better.

Here are some tips to remember when taming black hair:

Don’t shampoo too often

The chemical sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) found in most off-the-shelf shampoos strips away your scalp’s oils. These oils protect your hair and if you strip them away then the result is hair that’s dry and brittle. Many experts recommend shampooing only twice a week with a shampoo that doesn’t contain SLS. Instead, look for shampoos that contain natural oils and other ingredients that hydrate your scalp and hair.

Moisturize frequently

While you may want to cut back on shampooing, you should moisturize your hair daily as your hair tends to dry out during the day and massage it firmly into the scalp.

Use the right products

Avoid products that contain alcohol, mineral oil, or petrolatum which work to hold your style in place but may dry out your hair. Always look for products with natural ingredients.


Using the right comb will innovate your styling routine so, invest in a good afro comb because it has specially designed teeth that can detangle clumps of curly hair much better than other combs or brushes.


Taking Care Of Curly Hair

Managing curly hair is no easy task. You may have to deal with dry hair, breakage, and a whole lot of unwanted volume. There’s also frizz, a common problem that can be brought on by your natural texture or even things like humidity. We’d recommend regularly using conditioner on your curls to keep them hydrated. Curly hair tends to get dry since the curls make it difficult for natural oils to reach the ends of the hair.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I regrow thinning hair?

Although hair re-growth may be possible, you should also know when to seek professional help. If the reason for thinning hair is genetics, it will not grow back on its own. To grow back a healthy, full head of hair, you’ll need to take action, and that involves reviewing different hair loss options. However, everybody reaches a stage where their hair changes be it thinning or graying so don’t be too disheartened by the change and embrace your new look.

Why is my hair becoming so thin?

Hair thinning can be caused by many factors, including genes, diet, stress, and illness. Thinning hair isn’t just a problem that men suffer from. Reasons for hair thinning can range from simple and temporary such as a vitamin deficiency all the way to much more complex underlying health problems.

Is a hair care routine important?

Maintaining healthy hair should be a very important and hygienic routine for both men and women. Nobody wants to go out with frizzy, dry, and unhealthy hair. Taking care of your hair is as important as any other part of the body. While you tend to cover other body parts your hair is subjected to a lot of pollution, dirt, and chemicals.

Do I really need hair products?

By hydrating the hair, you’re building a stronger foundation for styling. Utilizing four to five products is truly all you need because an excess of products can weigh the hair down. Less is more as they say.

Is too many hair products bad?

There’s a balance to how much product to use. If you apply too much then your hair will get weighed down and become matted. But of course, applying too little means your hair won’t hold. Always start small and add more if needed as starting with too many wastes more time as you’ll have to wash it out and start over. Generally, a nickel or pea-sized amount of product is enough.

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