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How To Prepare For Microneedling: Top 10 Tips

prepare for microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the use of tiny needles to create controlled injuries on the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing response, which produces new collagen and elastin. The result is a thicker, firmer, and more youthful appearance. If you’re considering undergoing microneedling treatment, follow these top 10 tips to prepare for it safely and effectively.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses a device with very small needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. This may sound painful (and truth be told, it can be slightly uncomfortable), but the process stimulates the skin’s natural healing response. As a result, the skin begins to produce more collagen and elastin—two proteins that are essential for youthful, healthy-looking skin. 

How Does Microneedling Work?

As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen—which leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and an overall loss of elasticity. Microneedling works by inducing the skin’s natural healing response, which kicks collagen production into high gear. The result is tighter, firmer skin with fewer visible imperfections. 

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

In addition to stimulating collagen production, microneedling can help improve the appearance of acne scars, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and other skin concerns. It can also make your skincare products work better by increasing their absorption. 

10 Tips To Prepare For Microneedling

 If you’re considering microneedling for the first time, congratulations! Microneedling is an excellent way to improve the appearance of your skin. But before you book your appointment, you should know a few things to ensure you get the most out of your treatment. Here are 10 tips to prepare for your microneedling treatment.

1. Schedule Your Treatment at the Right Time 

If you’re spending time in the sun, it’s important to schedule your microneedling treatment at least 2 weeks in advance. This will give your skin time to heal and repair itself before being exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

2. Avoid Sun Exposure Before Your Treatment 

Speaking of sun exposure, it’s important to avoid direct sunlight for at least 24 hours before your treatment. This will reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) after your treatment.

3. Cleanse Your Face Thoroughly 

Be sure to cleanse your face thoroughly before your treatment. Remove all makeup, dirt, and oil so that the needles can penetrate your skin more easily. You should also avoid using any oils or moisturizers on the day of your treatment.

4. Don’t Skip The Numbing Cream 

Many people skip the numbing cream because they think it’s unnecessary. But trust us, it is! The needles used in microneedling can be quite long, so applying a numbing cream beforehand will help minimize any discomfort during your treatment. Just be sure to follow the instructions on how long to leave the cream on for maximum effectiveness.

5. Be Prepared For Some Redness And Swelling 

After your treatment, it’s normal to experience some redness and swelling. This usually goes away within a few hours or days. To help reduce swelling, avoid wearing makeup or touching your face too much immediately after the treatment.

6. Avoid Heat Treatments And Exfoliants 

Avoid using exfoliants and heat treatments (like saunas, hot tubs, and steam rooms) for the first few days after your treatment. These can irritate your skin and slow down the healing process.

7. Wear Sunscreen Every Day 

To protect your skin from sun damage, apply sunscreen every day—even on cloudy days or just running errands. This is especially important after a microneedling treatment because your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays. Choose a broad-spectrum option with at least SPF 30 or higher.

8. Don’t Pick At Your Skin 

If you experience any scabs or dry patches after the treatment, resist the urge to pick at them. This can slow down the healing process and increase your risk of infection.

9. Use Gentle Skin Care Products 

During the first week or two after your treatment, use gentle skin care products (avoid anything with harsh chemicals or fragrances). A mild cleanser, moisturizer, and serum should do the trick.

10. Schedule Touch-Up Treatments Every 4 To 6 Months

To maintain your results, it’s best to get touch-up microneedling treatments every 4 to 6 months. This will help keep your skin looking youthful and healthy for years to come!  

7 Benefits Of Skin Preparation Before Microneedling


Microneedling is a popular skincare treatment that can be used to improve the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, and other skin concerns. while the procedure itself is relatively simple, it’s important to take the time to properly prepare your skin before undergoing microneedling. Here are 7 benefits of skin preparation before microneedling.

1. Reduced Risk of Infection 

One of the most important benefits of preparing your skin before microneedling is that it reduces your risk of developing an infection at the needle site. This is because the needles used in microneedling penetrate the top layer of skin, which leaves small open wounds that are susceptible to infection if they are not properly cared for. 

Before your microneedling appointment, you should cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser and apply a thin layer of an alcohol-free sanitizing lotion. This will help remove any dirt, oil, or makeup that could cause infection. You should also avoid using topical retinoids or exfoliating agents for at least 24 hours before your appointment, as these can increase your risk of developing an infection. 

2. Reduced Bruising and Swelling  

Another benefit of preparing your skin before microneedling is that it can help to reduce bruising and swelling after the procedure. This is because the needles used in microneedling damage small blood vessels in the top layer of the skin, which can lead to bruising and swelling. 

To help reduce bruising and swelling, apply a cold compress to the treated area for 10-15 minutes immediately after the procedure. You should also avoid using harsh cleansers or exfoliating agents for at least 24 hours after microneedling, as these can irritate the skin and worsen bruising and swelling. 

3. Reduced Discomfort During the Procedure  

If you properly prepare your skin before microneedling, you will likely experience less discomfort during the procedure. This is because proper preparation helps to numb the skin before microneedling, which reduces discomfort during the treatment. 

To numb your skin before microneedling, you should apply a topical numbing cream to the treated area for 30-60 minutes before your appointment. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 1 hour before your treatment, as this can increase discomfort during the procedure. 

4. Faster Healing Time  

Properly preparing your skin before microneedling can also help to speed up the healing process after the treatment. This is because properly prepared skin is less likely to develop an infection or experience excessive bruising and swelling, both of which can lengthen healing time.

To help speed up healing time, you should cleanse your face gently with a mild cleanser twice per day and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or another occlusive ointment to the treated area 3-4 times per day beginning 24 hours after your treatment. 

5. Improved Results  

If you take the time to prepare your skin before microneedling properly, you are more likely to experience improved results from the treatment itself. This is because adequately prepared skin responds better to microneedling, resulting in smoother, more evenly toned skin with reduced wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and other imperfections. For best results, ensure you follow all instructions your dermatologist or skincare professional gives prior to your treatment. 

6. Reduced Risk Of Side Effects Microneedling Side Effects  

By preparing your skin correctly before microneedling, you can also help minimize potential side effects from the treatment. The most common side effects of microneedling include temporary redness, dryness, flaking, and itching.

However, these side effects are typically mild and resolve independently within a few days. If you experience excessive redness, swelling, blistering, scabbing, or other persistent side effects, please get in touch with your dermatologist or skincare professional immediately. 

7. Improved Overall Skin Health  

Finally, taking the time to properly prepare your skin before microneedling can help to improve your overall skin health. This is because proper preparation helps to reduce the risk of infection and other unwanted side effects from the treatment, which in turn helps to promote healthier, more vibrant skin in the long term. 

For best results, ensure you follow all instructions your dermatologist or skincare professional provides before beginning any microneedling treatments. With regular care and maintenance, you can ensure that you experience maximum benefits from this procedure with minimal unwanted side effects.

5 Best Products For Skin Preparation Before Microneedling

Before you book your appointment, it’s important to take some time to prepare your skin. By taking these steps, you can help ensure you get the best possible results from your treatment.

1. Cleanser

A good cleanser is essential for all types of skincare, but it’s especially important before microneedling. You want to ensure that your skin is free of makeup, dirt, and oil before your treatment. We recommend using a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that won’t irritate your skin. Be sure to avoid any cleansers that contain exfoliating beads or other harsh ingredients.

2. Serum

A serum is a great way to add extra hydration to your skin before microneedling. We recommend applying a hyaluronic acid serum to help plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Just be sure not to use anything that contains retinol or other active ingredients, as these can increase sensitivity and irritation.

3. Moisturizer

Moisturizing your skin before microneedling is essential. This will help to create a barrier between your skin and the needles during the treatment. We recommend using a light, oil-free moisturizer that won’t clog pores or cause breakouts. Be sure to apply it generously over the entire treatment area.

4. Sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the sun before and after microneedling treatments is essential. We recommend using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Be sure to apply it liberally over the entire treatment area and reapply as needed throughout the day. 

5. Barrier Cream

We recommend using a barrier cream before treatment for those with particularly sensitive skin. Barrier creams work by creating a physical barrier on the surface of the skin that helps to protect against irritation and inflammation. If you’re unsure whether or not you need a barrier cream, consult your aesthetician or dermatologist before treatment. 

7 Common Mistakes When Microneedling

prepare for microneedling

Microneedling is an excellent way to rejuvenate your skin and improve its appearance. But if you’re not careful, the needles can irritate or even injure your skin. To avoid any mistakes, here are seven common mistakes to watch out for when microneedling.

1. Skipping The Numbing Cream 

Many people skip the numbing cream because they think it’s unnecessary. But trust us, it isn’t! The needles used in microneedling can be quite long, so applying a numbing cream beforehand will help minimize any discomfort during your treatment.

2. Overdoing It 

Using a higher needle length than recommended can be tempting, but this can be dangerous. Doing so can damage your skin and cause scarring, so always follow the instructions of your aesthetician or doctor when it comes to needle length.

3. Not Cleaning Your Needles 

It’s essential to make sure that you clean your needles before and after each treatment. Proper sanitation is essential for avoiding infection and other skin problems.

4. Not Moisturizing After Treatment 

Your skin needs hydration after any microneedling treatment, so apply a gentle moisturizer as soon as you’re done. This will help reduce redness and swelling and speed up the healing process.

5. Exfoliating Too Soon 

Exfoliation is integral to a healthy skincare routine, but avoid exfoliating too soon after your microneedling treatment. This can irritate and slow down the healing process. Wait at least one week before you start exfoliating again.

6. Not Wearing Sunscreen 

To protect your skin from sun damage, it’s essential to wear sunscreen every day—even on cloudy days or just running errands. This is especially true after a microneedling treatment because your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays.

7. Picking At Your Skin 

If you experience any scabs or dry patches after the treatment, resist the urge to pick at them. This can slow down the healing process and increase your risk of infection. Keep your skin clean and moisturized to promote healing.


Microneedling is an excellent way to boost collagen production and improve the overall appearance of your skin. Just be sure to follow these tips and avoid any common mistakes to ensure that you get the best results. If you have any questions or concerns, consult a doctor or aesthetician before starting your microneedling treatments.